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While we strive to be as accurate and complete as possible, our researchers are not attorneys, and state laws are often full of nuances and gaps. Legal challenges in some states have resulted in different registration requirements based on the year of conviction or first registration. Users must accept all risks associated with actions taken based on this information. Please help us improve by reporting any errors or omissions via our form at

Puerto Rico Laws Regarding Registration

Who must register?

What information must registrants provide?

How frequently must they register? And for how long?

Does the state categorize registrants by levels/tiers?

Response needed.

Does the state use risk assessment when assigning tiers or levels to registrants?

Response needed.

Do any registrants remain privately registered? If so, who?

Link needed.

Are there special restrictions for registrants even after supervision? (State: Local jurisdictions: Yes/No)

Response needed.

Is there a process for removal from the registry? If so, who qualifies and what is the process?

What is the registration requirement for someone with a sexual offense who is visiting your state?

In the case of a person of another country who has been convicted of a sex offense or child abuse by a federal, state or military court, or a court of his/her country, and resides in Puerto Rico, or who is in Puerto Rico by reasons of work or study, even if such offender does not intend to establish a residence in Puerto Rico, he/she shall be required to register and shall carry out his/her registration not later than three (3) days after his/her arrival to Puerto Rico.
4 L.P.R.A. § 536c (See 4th paragraph)

What is the registration requirement for someone with a sexual offense who will be moving to your state to live or to attend school?

State Laws Regarding Sexual Offenses and Offenders, other than registration

What sexual offenses can people be convicted of, and what are the ranges of sentences?

Articles 142-163, expand the Legislation category

Does the state have lifetime supervision?

§ 536d “The person declared a dangerous sexual offender shall be registered for life, as provided in §§ 536-536h of this title.” Dangerous is defined as someone who is a recidivist and “two professionals specialized in the science of human conduct and sexual problems to examine the convict to determine if said person has an irrepressible tendency to commit sexual crimes as a result of suffering a mental or personality disorder that makes him/her a threat to the community”

Does the state have indeterminate sentencing?

Link needed.

What are the state civil commitment laws?

Link needed.

Are there “Romeo and Juliet” laws or other laws specific to young people?

Link needed.

Info for State Advocates

Are felons allowed to vote? If so, when is this right restored?

What does the state say about persons who are required to register?

Response needed.

How does the state’s legislative process work?

Legislative Process for the House of Representatives (Spanish)
Legislative Process for the Senate (Spanish)

How can I locate legislation regarding sexual offense issues?

Best keywords are:

delincuente sexual; sexual

Sign up for notifications of bill movement:

Most important legislative committees for our issues are:

Public Safety Commission for the House of Representatives (Spanish)
No site found for the Senate.

Contact info for state legislators can be found at:

Other Useful State Information

Contact information for state registry office

Register of Convicted Persons for Sexual Offenses and Child Abuse (Spanish)

NARSOL state affiliate website or blog:

Response needed.

Other helpful information

Response needed.

puerto_rico.1613852799.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/20 15:26 by rkdbus