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While we strive to be as accurate and complete as possible, our researchers are not attorneys, and state laws are often full of nuances and gaps. Legal challenges in some states have resulted in different registration requirements based on the year of conviction or first registration. Users must accept all risks associated with actions taken based on this information. Please help us improve by reporting any errors or omissions via our form at

American Samoan Laws Regarding Registration

Who must register?

What information must registrants provide?

How frequently must they register? And for how long?

Per a new law, registration is every 180 days for 25 years. Tier II offenders may have their registration periods reduced to 10 years if they maintain a clean record for 10 consecutive years.
Official links needed!

Does the state categorize registrants by levels/tiers?

Does the state use risk assessments for registrants (other than supervised release)?

Do any registrants remain privately registered? If so, who?

None known.

Are there special restrictions for registrants even after supervision? (State: Local jurisdictions: Yes/No)

Is there a process for removal from the registry? If so, who qualifies and what is the process?

For Tier 2 citizens, Tier 2 offenders may have their registration periods reduced to 10 years if they maintain a clean record for 10 consecutive years.
No statute number found.

What is the registration requirement for someone with a sexual offense who is visiting your state?

No statutes found.

What is the registration requirement for someone with a sexual offense who will be moving to your state to live or to attend school?

46.2801(b) and (c), (d)(2), 10 days to register within a move
46.2801(d)(8) offenders who reside in American Samoa for school or employment for more than 14 days or for an aggregate period exceeding 30 days in a calendar year

State Laws Regarding Sexual Offenses and Offenders, other than registration

american_samoa.1556470712.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/28 12:58 by zyin